About Universoil

How do you know if we’re the right partner for your project?

Take a quick look at our company’s vision, mission and values. They reflect our company’s history and DNA and are sure to help you answer this question.

Our vision

Two decades ago, after working together for 5 years in an engineering firm, a Flemish bioengineer and a Walloon physicist joined forces to create Universoil, a pool of experts in soil and groundwater management.

In 2003, Didier Jacques and Geert Boucneau had already been colleagues for several years in a firm specialised in investigating soil contamination. Tasked with developing the business and hiring new talent, they saw employees leave as quickly as they arrived. This was explained by a lack of input in terms of employee salaries and recognition, alongside a number of other factors. The two young men dreamt of a different kind of company, one that was more resilient and where talent was truly valued… So why not create one themselves?

The result was Universoil, a company with a firm set of goals: expertise, flexibility, quality, respect and integrity.

From the very outset, they were keen to master the technique of sample collection for quality purposes. They invested in specialised equipment and even drilled the boreholes themselves. The dynamic and serious approach of both business partners won them clients and the number of contracts quickly set them on their way.  Didier was based in Brussels and Geert in Courtrai.

They hired their first colleagues in Liège and Ghent. The new recruits were young parents and their journey to and from work soon proved problematic… So why not set up branches in both of these cities to make life easier? A few years later, the head office was established for similar reasons in Charleroi.

Aware that the company’s most important asset is its human capital, the two founders put their employees first from the very beginning. Universoil experts receive continuous training, keeping them fulfilled in their jobs and encouraging them to make every effort to serve their clients.

A team of highly specialised, loyal and engaged engineers who listen to their clients and handle their cases with pragmatism and complete discretion, that’s what Didier and Geert wanted to build. This goal is now a reality.

Universoil logo
Didier & Geert

Our mission

To help make your project a reality.

To achieve this, Universoil handles the relevant technical and administrative procedures to obtain the certification needed for your project to proceed. Our experts assist you throughout the development process, providing a pragmatic view of the situation and addressing your specific needs.

Our values


listening & discretion

Listening is the first step in our job. We need to understand our clients’ projects in order to give them the best possible advice. This initial dialogue is key and an essential first stage for us to deliver quality work. It’s the basis for handling a situation wisely and delivering the best possible solutions.

We’re also well aware that the environmental analysis of a site can sometimes be a delicate issue, which is why we always respect the confidentiality of your projects and treat them with the utmost discretion.


responsiveness & pragmatism

Once the outlines of a project are defined, we are quick to provide our clients with a clear tailor- made proposal to their needs and the situation on the ground.

We’re aware that some projects require a quick turnaround to avoid impeding their progress. Our diverse team of experts (engineers, technicians) across the country’s three regions enables us to meet these objectives!


trust & honesty

Your project is our priority. If, after discussion, your case can be managed in a simple manner without the need for boreholes or analyses, we’ll tell you at the outset in complete honesty. We’ll never suggest long, drawn out and potentially costly work if a quicker and cheaper solution can be found.

The transparency of our solutions, our fulfilment of commitments and the expertise we deliver to your projects are all intended to build a partnership of trust.


quality & professionalism

We place emphasis on a job well done, prioritising the quality of our work and seeking smart solutions rather than taking hasty measures (decontamination) or snap decisions that prove costly and unsuitable. We do this through continuous training in new techniques and improving our existing processes.

And the end of a project does not mean the end of our partnership. We keep your file on hand in case you need quick and effective assistance should an issue resurface several years after completion.

Experience & expertise

Universoil represents

years of innovative projects
engineers and technicians
in Belgium
km of boreholes drilled per year

Putting our expertise to work for you

Our work process

Our input into the development of your project is based on the following stages:



From the very outset, Universoil listens to your side of the story to understand the entirety of the problem. Drawing on our knowledge and expertise, we assess the site’s compatibility with the proposed project in complete transparency and consider each and every issue.


We then inform you of our conclusions in the shortest possible timeframe, since the progress of your project is our priority. We only suggest taking action if we consider it necessary, because we are solutions-oriented rather than business-oriented.



Once the budget has been clearly defined and all technical, financial and administrative concerns identified, we kick off the project together and are there to support you through to its completion. We draw up a long-term strategy so that you can easily anticipate and organise the subsequent stages of your project.

Universoil sur chantier